An odd Ménage A Trois.
19 November 2015
In former times,they left their children in front of the churches ....(see DW Griffith's "orphans in the storm".

Still in 2015,they leave their pets ,cats and dogs ,on the wayside when they have a vacation.

A couple leaves an old lady on the wayside ,with a message pinned on her coat.

The movie was unfairly slagged off when it was released ;the review on "La Saison Cinematographique " trashed everything from the screen play to the actors who "ham it up along the way".The "Dictionnaire Des films " did better :they ignored it.

Tony Gatlif ,who remains unsung and unsuccessful ,is a director who has always looked into the fringe groups:the gypsies in "Les Princes " ,their tragic fate in WW2 in "Korkoro" or the immigrants in "Je Suis Né D'Une Cigogne" .

His three heroes are outcasts too ;against all odds ,"Mamie" is adopted at first sight by Robinson (the name is not unwarranted:he's really a

Robinson Crusoé of life).And by his pal Gaspard ,willy-nilly .This odd menage à Trois tries to pick up the pieces and to do an old house up in order to open a refreshment room (shades of Duvivier's "La Belle Equipe" (1936)) In his ruthless review ,the writer blames the three friends' Joie De Vivre" and the good vibes all around.There are in our society people who got a raw deal and he should rather thank the Gods for not being part of them.And I do think he did not understand the ending:it's not only because he is in love with the girl's mother that Gaspard goes away:it's because he considers immature Robinson as his son,a son who will probably turn his new café -if he is allowed to open it,which remains to be seen- into Salvation army.Even though he lost everything,Gaspard HAD a family,Robinson was a waif:Vincent Lindon' s hangdog look is deeply moving.When he finally finds a family,Gaspard leaves and "will return only for a Pastis and a slice of mozzarella".

Suzanne Flon is wonderful as the shameless old lady who demands pasta shells with butter;Vincent Lindon ,in an almost Capraesque character,matches her every step of the way ;this part predates his harrowing roles in Lioret's future movies such as "welcome" and "Toutes Nos Vies".Gerard Darmon makes up for the melodramatic side with some welcome humor.

If you are looking for sex ,violence or special effects,it may not be your cup of tea;if you are looking for something warm,something different,don't think twice!
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