A man and a baby
20 November 2015
The only (external ) review of this harmless unpretentious little comedy is so negative I hardly dare to write my comment.IMHO ,it's certainly not more stupid than "Trois Hommes Et Un Couffin" (remade as "three man and a baby") which was made some thirty years after.

Here the baby spends the whole movie in a suitcase (you read well).Darry Cowl came first in his year in the prestigious engineering school "Poly Art Technique" (a spoof on the Ecole Polytechnique ) but only because of an epidemic which brought all the other examinees down.Besides,he is an unwed father and his auntie (Jeanne Sourza ) wants this glorious nephew to marry her daughter who has other plans:she is in love with a crooner.

Auntie's hubby is a radio broadcast emcee ,unbeknown to his missus;all the characters Wind up in the studios where the champion tries to win the "five million cash" (check the title) ,in a show sponsored by Volubilis cosmetics.

Hindsight displays the charm of this fifties farce ,a little cheesy ,as easy to watch as to forget .Its sole ambition is to make the audience laugh,so why deny yourself a bit of fun?
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