This wasn't a documentary. This was an hour and a half long infomercial.
20 November 2015
First of all, I know I'm not in the target demographic for this movie, but I feel like an interesting and informative documentary can be made about something no matter what its subject matter is. And this movie... ugh. I'm not going to go out on a limb and say that One Direction: This Is Us is the worst movie I've ever seen, because then someone could bring a different one to my attention that's even worse, but I will say that it's definitely the worst concert documentary I've ever seen. And even that feels really wrong, because at the end of the day, this was just propaganda. As a movie, nothing happens in it. As a documentary, it relies on the audience already knowing everything about this band. And as something called "This Is Us," I don't even leave it knowing all their names, much less anything else about them. There's no plot that it builds up to, there's no conflict or resolution, and this seems to be a common problem in the era when any schmuck pop star can get a theatrical movie made about them (such as Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and the Jones Brothers). And for a 3D movie, there isn't even anything interesting to look at apart from the five guys in the band going around and pointing at things. I actually lost a lot of respect for its director Morgan Spurlock when I saw this movie. It felt like he wanted to make a better movie that wasn't just a huge commercial, but was held back by someone--probably the record company--and instead made this. I'm glad to see that even some of the band's own fans are seeing through this quick grab for cash and are leaving negative reviews. Movies like this are created with zero effort and are only made to steal fans' money, because the people who make these movies know that some people will buy anything as long as it has a popular band's name attached.
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