Entertaining and different
27 November 2015
I find it funny that all of a sudden people expect originality. Even SOA was not particularly new, there are plenty of motorcycle gang movies around. Very few shows are truly original. However, it is different from almost everything else on TV. Yes there are a few movies, but almost all other shows are pretty much the same as some other show on TV. This one is a bit different, and cannot say there is anything that is particularly close that has ever been a TV show. Yes there is Vikings, and Robin Hood, and if you go to movies there is Braveheart, and Rob Roy. If this were a modern era show, I do not think anybody would say it is a knock off. Also, expecting accuracy when not even the modern police shows are accurate. Very little that is created for entertainment is accurate. Vikings, and Outlander are also not particularly accurate. Just admit the show is not to your taste. I do not like the GOdfather, but I will not call it a bad film. Oh there are a few hokey parts, but can say that about practically any show. Still I did enjoy the show, and wish it would be renewed. M
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