One of the BEST musicals
6 December 2015
Moon Over Miami is one of the best Fox musicals of the 1940s! The plot is simple - two beautiful (but broke) sisters go to Miami in search of rich husbands. They pretend to be rich so the men don't suspect they are gold diggers. Betty Grable and Carole Landis play the sisters and they both give fabulous performances. Charlotte Greenwood, Jack Haley, Don Ameche, Robert Cummings, and Cobina Wright round out the talented cast. The songs in Moon Over Miami are fun and catchy - You Started Something, Kindergarten Conga, What Can I Do For You. The costumes are gorgeous and the cast looks amazing filmed in Technicolor. Carole Landis was without a doubt one of the most beautiful women of the 1940s!! Moon Over Miami is one of my favorite movies and everyone who loves musicals should enjoy it.
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