Dixieland (I) (2015)
a great little gem
14 December 2015
I noticed that movies and shows I like a lot are often written and directed by the same person. That level of control and continuity ensures a story that's true to the author's intention. It certainly works with this film. This is one of those small screen gems that I enjoy immensely—well crafted and acted with a somewhat unpredictable plot.

You would think that inter-cutting the film with real life interviews would distract from the dramatic momentum, but that's not the case here. The short documentary type interviews inserted at intervals actually inform the unfolding drama —we realize by the end that those interviews are actually the foundation of the film.

This film was lovingly put together: the acting, the cinematography and the music all come together artfully, resulting in an authenticity that has left me thinking about the real life people caught in an unfortunate cycle of poverty, drugs, and crime.
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