Review of Politics

Stargate SG-1: Politics (1998)
Season 1, Episode 20
Absolutely Pointless
30 December 2015
Let me say that I am a huge Stargate SG-1 fan but episodes like this make me want to throw in the fan towel. When will writers and production companies learn that these type of episodes are beyond ridiculous - statement not question. To be engaged and drawn into an episode there has to be a great story to tell at its heart. One that could lead to you wonder what the eventual outcome might be or how it might shape a future thread. Unfortunately these politically driven 'oh look the Stargate programme might be shut down' pieces of drivel are worthless airtime as we all know the outcome before they even begin. Therefore we watch them once simply for the point of completeness of knowing we have watched the entire series but we'd never watch them again.

That's the case in point with this episode. If you're new to Stargate (and there are people who still haven't watched it) then just skip this garbage as you won't miss a single thing from the overall story. The only you'll realise from watching it is that it's a painful way to spend 44 minutes.
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