The lethal combination of religious fundamentalism and sexual obsession
1 January 2016
I would have had no idea about this movie unless it was recommended by Mark Kermode (in a recent interview with director Philip Ridley) because, to be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of either Brendan Fraser or Ashley Judd. Good thing I gave it a shot, though. THE PASSION OF DARKLY NOON isn't the least bit subtle in its thematic approach, but it crafted a unique, compelling story whose implications are hard to ignore. It examines the darker tendencies of religious fundamentalism, its obsession with the nuclear family and how easily a brainwashed and distorted mind can resort to violence when beliefs are challenged. Brendan Fraser plays Darkly Noon, a man raised in a Bible-believing cult who, through circumstance encounters Callie (Ashley Judd), who lives with her boyfriend Clay (Viggo Mortensen, in a wordless performance). Initially, Clay is away and Darkly finds himself sexually attracted to Callie despite being conflicted. Things take a turn for the worse when Clay returns. That's all you really need to know going in. Ashley Judd gives a decent performance, although she serves more as eye candy in some respects (but intentionally so). I wasn't as sold on Brendan Fraser's performance initially, but his choices did make more sense as the story progressed. Viggo Mortensen also did what he could playing a mute. Ultimately, the blunt force approach to the themes in the story cheapened it a little (for me, at least), but it was very effective at eliciting an emotional reaction at all the right points. What tipped the film in a more positive direction was the melancholy, mostly piano score which conveyed a sense of isolation and unrequited desire that are at its heart. There were also a couple of songs, one of which plays over the closing credits, that I really liked. This isn't a film I'd recommend to the casual movie-watcher (or an overly religious person, who would probably take offense to the portrayal of religion), but for the more adventurous person who seeks out under-seen gems. While not perfect, this one will probably stay with you (and me) for quite a while.
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