Dinner's On Dagwood
8 January 2016
Again a special providence watches out for people named Bumstead in Blondie's Holiday. This Blondie film concerns Arthur Lake and Penny Singleton's 15th high school reunion and we get a flashback to Blondie and Dagwood while in high school

Seeing them in high school makes you wonder why a homecoming queen like Blondie picked class klutz Dagwood to team up with. But as that scene ends Blondie predicts that Dagwood will be the biggest success story in the class of 1932 telling fellow classmates Jody Gilbert and Jeff York the same.

Her bragging gets Dagwood on the hook to pay for the class reunion dinner. And Dagwood once again gets fired for screwing up a deal with Grant Mitchell the town banker to build a new bank.

But the biggest bonehead move is Dagwood seeking quick money paying for an education in handicapping horses by racetrack tout Sid Tomack. When he gets picked up in a raid in a very funny sequence he's going to miss the reunion dinner because he's in the slam.

Still that Bumstead divine providence comes through. One of the better films of the Blondie series.
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