Re-Kill (2015)
Camera man needs to go back to camera school
8 January 2016
I was going to give this film a 1/10 but I thought that was a tad too unjustified and unfair to the rest of the people who worked on it. If they hired the same cameraman from say, Battle: LA the film would have been an 8/10. It's a shame one man destroyed what was potentially a good film.

The good points of the film is the great action with plenty of gratuitous violence and the general atmosphere of the film set it apart from the normal zombie flicks. Whoever wrote the film is definitely talented and put a unique spin on this genre.

I loved the Running Man-esq type cutscenes, something that's not really been done well in movies with maybe the exception of the original Robocop and Starship troopers.

The acting was absolutely spot on, they nailed it. There's no Oscar winning performances deserved here, but for the style of film they were going for the acting was brilliant.

I could have enjoyed this movie. It could have been the fun, pop-corn munching thrilling ride I was looking for. I could have loved this movie so much as to order the DVD immediately after watching it as I could have felt it was deserving to be in my collection and deserving of my money.

..If not for the cameraman. He was either a severe epileptic in need of urgent medical assistance and the poor sod was forced to keep filming in the midst of a serious seizure, or he was a complete amateur who's never held a camera before in his life. He completely destroyed the film. Any time you 'almost' got immersed, anytime you 'almost' enjoyed the film, any time you 'almost' started to pay attention off he goes on his savage mission to ruin the film for you.

//Shake shake shake zoom zoom rotate rotate shake shake shake// "oh look the sky oh look the ground oh look over there oh look i'm too close oh look i'm too dark oh look anywhere except where i'm supposed to be bloody pointing this thing I have no idea how to use" he says, as a doctor stands beside him administering his anti-seizure meds.

I hope he never gets another job again in this line of work, it obviously isn't his forté.

I don't like spoilers so haven't given anything away about the story. If you can handle the ridiculously epileptic camera-work the general theme, story, action of the film is great. Fantastic! Excellent job from the writers and actors.

If however you like to actually watch a film, and not just catch miniscule glimpses and fill in the blanks by listening, avoid it like the plague. Hopefully they'll remake it in the future without the offensive Parkinson's disease impersonations the cameraman is trolling the audience with.
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