Boring and poorly made
13 January 2016
"The Long Arm of the Godfather" has only one aspect anyone who has seen it will ever be able to remember, and hence has only one aspect anyone will ever recommend it for:

The red-headed character, the main guy's love interest, is abused several times throughout the movie's run-time, punched, slapped, threatened with rape at knife-point and burnt with a cigarette. The way the movie keeps showing scenes like these makes you wonder if the producers knew they were onto a total stinker and the only way they could generate any kind of response from the audience was via a shameless attitude toward violence against women.

The character herself is, of course, pathetic - weak female characters are not exactly a rarity in Italian exploitation films - so it's hard to feel anything but boredom as she gets roughed up for the third or fourth time. The plot is also tedious and incomprehensible. The only part I remember aside from the above is a scene where the don fires at the "hero", if that's what he is, with a machine gun while he hides behind a wooden plank. Not a single shot hits anything, and the hero is able to fire back, successfully, with a gun that looks like a pea shooter in comparison, and what do you know? He doesn't miss.
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