Not bad not great
18 January 2016
I am not anti-Watson, in fact I find him admirable insofar as his activism goes, a small effort focused primarily on saving cutsie animals rather than addressing root causes. Not that isn't what most of environmentalism has been about since its inception. However, I was hoping for something in this film--mainly a story of some sort. While this film is very beautiful visually with lots of striking images of the antarctic ocean, the events captured in the film are rather dull--it reminds me more of an extended whale wars episode than a feature film. There is much too much crew whining about this and that, just like the show. I suppose it's included to create some drama, since the film is mostly about running about the ocean looking for a whaling ship target, but after a while the whine does grate on the nerves. Not unlike the show, which is also why I never really watched an episode of that show all the way through. Frankly, Deadliest Catch was more engaging...

So back to this film. If its great images of the antarctic ocean, this is your film. However, if you want to learn about the activism of the Sea Shepherd Society and learn about the crew beyond their griping, a more entertaining, story based take on the Sea Shepherd can be had in these other films: Confessions of an Eco- Terrorist and Eco-Pirate.
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