Yeah Right
19 January 2016
Elvis Found Alive (2012)

** (out of 4)

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert started off doing documentaries on various stages of Bob Dylan's career but then he switched gears to a conspiracy film about whether or not Paul McCartney was killed back in the 1960s and replaced by a double. This film was said that have come from a confession by George Harrison shortly before his death. This new documentary tries to claim that Gilbert tracked down the real Elvis who agreed to do an interview.

How gullible you are will determine if you believe the "story" told here. Basically Elvis, with his face hidden, talks about his career in music, the Army and film before going into details about his undercover work for the government, which caused him to fake his death and go into hiding. Elvis talks about his closest friends and various other subjects as well learn the truth about it.

Look, there wasn't a single second where I actually believed that I was listening to the real Elvis talk about his life and why he faked his death. I'm sure there might be some who believe it but there are just too many logical issues with this so-called interview. For starters, Elvis talks about how the government won't allow him to come out of hiding yet why on Earth are they letting him do this interview? If he really had stuff on the government and they were hiding him, don't you think they would have taken this director and footage out before it became public?

Plus, the fact that this "story" and "interview" hasn't gone across the media tells you that no one took it serious. It also doesn't help that the Elvis hear sounds like he's still in his thirties. Obviously the "story" being told here just takes a bunch of conspiracy theories and tries to pass them off as the truth but once again there are just too many logical issues that prevent it from being believable. I will say that the film is slightly entertaining as long as you don't take it too serious but at 130 minutes the thing runs on way too long.

Celeste Yarnall, a former flame of Elvis, is also on hand to try and push the story over even more. I'm sure Gilbert sold some copies of these and I'm sure his production budget was made back. I just doubt anyone is going to take this too serious.
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