Barely Lethal (2015)
Nothing amazing or ground-breaking but it was entertaining enough
27 January 2016
First off let me point out that even though Samuel L Jackson and Jessica Alba gets top-billing they are just co-stars, important co-stars but co- stars none the less that show up every now and then in the movie.

The real lead however is Hailee Steinfeld who plays a teenage assassin gone AWOL in order for her to live a normal life and a lot of the focus of the movie is her trying to adjust to (a extremely typical American movie) high school.

And although there is very little groundbreaking material in the script it did manage to keep me entertained through out the running time and I did find myself laughing here and there.

The movie is rated PG-13 so all the violence and gags etc are fairly harmless (although initially the film received an R-rating, the film-makers appealed and got their PG-13 without having to cut anything out, so just barely PG-13 then).

Sophie Turner from Game Of Thrones is a co-star and she get to show that she can kick some ass as well which was cool, Dan Fogler is pretty funny as a teacher and there is a cameo from one of the guys in Jackass (won't say who as that might take away the surprise factor a bit) but he was funny as well.

So yeah overall nothing amazing but perfectly watchable when you're looking for some mindless popcorn entertainment.
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