Have Gun - Will Travel: Unforgiving Minute (1963)
Season 6, Episode 20
Kiss of the Spider Woman
1 February 2016
Another head-scratcher of an episode title here. Most people will automatically think of Rudyard Kipling who maintained, in his celebrated poem "If", that living "the unforgiving (as in irretrievable) minute" to its fullest was the key to a truly rich life. And certainly Paladin exemplifies Kipling's philosophical point.

But what about poor Machado, a meek, easy-going peasant who worships a wife "with the face of a Madonna and the claws of a cat"? And what about the wife, Sabrina, who dreams about a life that is the polar opposite of the dreary one she leads with the gentle Machado?

After Paladin, fleeing a gang of bandits that include the ex- partners of a man whose gem he agreed to sell collapses literally at their feet, Machado sees him only as a stranger in need of help. To Sabrina however Paladin is the bearer of her one-way ticket to the comforts she longs for and the excitement she craves.

When the bandits re-appear seeking to avenge their recently-slain comrades only Machado and Paladin are on hand to drive them off. Once again, Paladin makes a shocking discovery. It's hard to decide which is more starting: the change that at last comes over Machado, or the fact that -- unless I really missed something -- not once in this episode does Paladin display that famous "card"!
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