600 Miles (2015)
Nice modern day western vibe to it.
11 February 2016
600 miles starts off with a very Intriguing look into America's gun control policy.

I learned a lot about how and where I can purchase a firearm. Some instances I sincerely hope are being over exaggerated by the film.

The movie really comes to life the moment Tim Roth's character comes into it. It's a slow paced drama, that feeds on his low key and very effective performance, as an ATF officer, very imperfect in doing a very dangerous job.

His relationship with Arnulfo, a weapons smuggler who kidnaps him was fantastic. Every thing was so subtle as these guys barely said but a few words to each other, yet you could see the connection coming between them. Just amazing and effective filmmaking.

I also like how the movie was dubbed in both Spanish and English. Not that you really needed dialog to understand the movie.

It was a small movie that was able to tap into the human emotion and really suck you in with the great performances and excellent film structure.
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