Review of Dark Web

Dark Web (2016)
As bad as you could hope for
19 February 2016
As has been noted by the other reviews of this movie, it's no great shakes. For me though, it hits close to the "so bad it's good" mark. The fact that the makers of the film seemed to take it seriously while at the same time falling so short kept me watching. I think the film makers set the bar pretty low when they put a typo in the opening credits. "With the Exceptionnal Participation of Danny Glover". That's not me putting two n's in exceptional. That's me quoting the movie credits.

Sadly you can bet that any movie Danny Glover is in these days will be low budget, but this one is just bad enough to have a laugh at or perhaps with... after all to quote another line from the dialogue "I was beginning to think this movie would never end"
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