Outstanding lead actor makes this goofball comedy work
17 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Didi - Der Doppelgänger" is a German 90-minute comedy film from over 30 years ago. It is maybe Reinhard Schwabenitzky's most known directorial effort today as the film has aged pretty nicely and the script comes from a group of writers that does not include Schwabenitzky, but Hallervorden. Hallervorden plays the main character in here and he was one of Germany's most known comedians in the 1980s together with the likes of Loriot, Gerhart Polt and a couple others. And Hallervorden is still in film today. But while "Das letzte Rennen" and "Honig im Kopf" also try to make a difference on the dramatic side, Hallervorden's early works like this one are purely intended as comedy. However, Hallervorden is almost too good for the role and as a result, the dramatic parts, such as the kidnapping plot, while intended comedic can also be taken seriously as genuine drama. This also applies to everything that involved him playing the cut-throat businessman.

Hallervorden plays two characters here. When a successful businessman is threatened by a gang of ruthless (well they are also clumsy and somewhat stupid) gangsters, he is lucky to find a man who looks just like him. Without telling the other guy about the danger, he makes a deal with him to switch characters for a considerable amount of money. The best part of the film is afterward when the pub owner played by Hallervorden learns to behave like the businessman (in a scene with two Didis) and also has to try to convince the employees afterward that he is the real one. Unfortunately, the story has (besides) its great moments, also a couple weaker moments and the supporting cast is almost entirely forgettable. The only other cast member I knew here is Tilo Prückner and I heard of Ruth Maria Kubitschek in the past too. Anyway, it is a triumphant performance from Hallervorden here and he shows why he has been among Germany's finest actors for many years now, even if a lot of it was on stage too. I recommend "Didi - Der Doppelgänger". Thanks to the hilarious double performance by Hallervorden, the good clearly outweighs the bad. Go check it out. A great example of how German films can be funny.
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