Titanic's Final Mystery (2012 TV Movie)
Tim Maltin; A Brilliant Man!
23 March 2016
I always knew there was more to it! When I was almost 11 (when the Titanic wreckage was found), the TV news diagrammed the size of Titanic by showing familiar objects next to a silhouette of it (such as various planes, buses, etc) and it shocked me. How could they not see an iceberg big enough to sink such a large ship? My uncle was a commercial fisherman and he always insisted there was more (I wish he had lived to see this). Now, we finally have the answer! It makes perfect sense!

I think anyone who is interested in maritime history should drop everything and watch this immediately. Yes, I said immediately. What are you waiting for?

This documentary follows scientist and maritime historian Tim Maltin as he puts his theories to the test as to why Titanic struck the iceberg on that night. He knew that there had to be more. He travels the world, reads logs of other ships that were in the area in the days before and after the disaster, sees the Labrador current and icebergs with his own two eyes, collects the data he needs, and puts it all together. He finally reveals to the world the true cause of the tragedy.

This also proves that Stanley Lord was indeed telling the truth of what he saw that night. The scintillation, which we all see millions of times in our lives, is absolutely a perfect explanation for why they were not able to read the Morse code. And proof that mirages happen anywhere at all where there are layers of warm and cool air, not only a desert was the final proof we needed for what really happened that night. Now, if I ever have a son I will name him after Stanley Lord. Rest in peace, noble captain!

It's awesome to see the silly and idiotic myths being debunked. Titanic was NOT made of weak steel, there was no "speeding through ice zones to make up time," and the captain was not drunk. Today I believe that if anyone believes the weak steel myth, you are gullible.

This is based from Tim Maltin's research and book "Titanic: A Very Deceiving Night" (ebook only). Why didn't anyone else think of this? What a brilliant man! All I ask now is another documentary based on Maltin's "101 Things You Though You Knew Anout Titanic" to be made! I hate all those stupid myths that are still taught to schools.

If you want the truth, this is one of the few truly great ones to go to for that.
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