A mind is like a car. When it breaks down, get a good mechanic!
30 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is the convoluted psychological thriller melodrama that has seemingly outgoing Glynis Johns hobbling happily down the street searching for help after her car breaks down. She knocks on the wrong door, and ends up being trapped in a beautiful bedroom by the strange title character who keeps a severe eye on her, and his beautiful assistant who also insists that she cannot leave the premises.

Dan O'Herlihy is the titled character, a rather mysterious man who may or may not be a doctor, and what kind he may or may not be takes some patience to find out. The lovely assistant is soap opera favorite Constance Ford, denying that she is Caligari's mistress, but also maintaining innocence in Glynis's his accusations that they are leading a perverted lifestyle and keeping Johns locked up to keep it their secret.

Others present include dizzy Estelle Winwood, her aging boyfriend J. Pat O'Malley and a handsome young man, Richard Davalos who expresses a romantic interest in Johns. she uses her wits to determine why she is being held against her will, and ends up in some precarious predicament that are dreamlike and quite intense. It becomes pretty obvious what actually is going on about halfway through the film, but I'll give that to you to discover. Obviously influenced by the similarly-named silent film, this is not as artistically brilliant but has some great moments.

John gives an excellent performance and is matched by O'Herlihy and Ford. the issue with the film is that it seems to take itself way too seriously, and like other psychological melodramas of the time, is trying too hard to emulate classic mental illness films like the snake pit. However, it is certainly better than "The Caretakers" which dealt with life inside a mental institution and came out the following year. Disturbing and convoluted, this is a perfect example of the 60's artistic flop and a good example why the new eave style of films worked better with European filmmakers.
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