American Hero (2015)
Not a super hero movie
15 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This seems like a story about a useless guy who has let his life go to ruin and is now going to get himself back on the right path... and then they threw in some scenes of levitating objects because... well why not? Clearly a hard luck story about a dad wanting to get his life together for his kid needs some random mention of super powers.

I was determined to watch this movie but it took 3 separate tries...

Something that made no sense was that his friends were somehow AMAZED every time he would use his powers... Forget the fact that they had been "Scientifically studying" him for so long. I mean wouldn't you get used to somebody you had known for years who could do something amazing? I know we get sick of celebrities and all kinds of one trick ponies in real life. I think they had a small budget which was wasted on the few special effects in this movie and no money was left over for an actual script. The most believable part of the whole story was Stephen Dorff at the parties. It was like they literally just told him to go and do drugs and drink and they would just film it. Sort of disturbing how good he is at playing his low life character... Hopefully he is just very good at acting and the real actor isn't that bad off in real life...

Do not watch this movie if you are expecting a superhero. I watched the whole thing thinking it would come and then it all of a sudden ended and I realized I had wasted an hour and a half of my life.

I have no idea why anybody is rating this movie with anything above 1 star. I would avoid watching this.
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