Blood Orange (2016)
A tense, clever thriller that keeps you guessing
7 May 2016
Iggy Pop is inspired casting as Bill. His performance is beautifully nuanced and controlled. The relationship between Bill and his young wife Isabelle is entirely convincing. Kacey Barnfield is an alluring femme fatale - but just how calculating is she? The plot twists and turns, keeping the viewer guessing. Ben Lamb as spoiled brat Lucas is suitably shifty. Antonio Magro makes David, the clueless pool boy, a believable character. The Ibizan setting works well - Bill strides through the landscape like the protagonist of a sinister Spaghetti Western - and the villa is an ideal backdrop for the drama to play out. Toby Tobias is a skilled director and writer who isn't afraid to take risks and knows how to ramp up tension. It's become the fashion to make overlong, overblown films. At 85 minutes, Blood Orange avoids any self indulgence and keeps the viewer enthralled throughout.
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