Overrated and just plain stupid
22 May 2016
La Rosa de Guadalupe,at first I thought that it was about the testimony of the miracles of The Virgen de Guadalupe the Patron saint of Mexico, but it's nothing but a overrated idiotic soap opera that doesn't make sense at all! A lot of the plots are poorly written and doesn't make any sense at all. Drama Queen bawling their heads off in pure ape**** hysterics,plot lines that have huge holes that you could drive a truck through really bad acting by the cast members of this show. And a whole lot of plots that are ripped off for the worst novelas that were ever produced. Like I don't know if the Catholic Church in Mexico approved or appreciate this shameful exhibition of using the beloved patron saint of Mexico and Latin America as part of a hokey piece of garbage that they try to pass as entertainment. The only miracle that I hope if that they cancel this piece of garbage that they pass as entertainment!
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