20 June 2016
An Englishman on a Ruritarian holiday must impersonate the king when the rightful monarch, a distant cousin, is drugged and kidnapped. (Of the many film adaptations, this is considered by many to be the definitive version.) This production was "one of the last great gatherings of the Hollywood English" before World War II. Producer Selznick was partly inspired to take on the project because of the abdication of Edward VIII, and exploited this angle in his marketing of the film. Indeed, this likely heightened American interest in the English royal family, especially as far as their romances were concerned.

This is probably the first film to be set in Ruritania, though not the last. Most interesting, in my opinion, is how this film was the direct inspiration for the uniforms of "Star Trek". Any fan of the "Trek" films ought to see this just to appreciate the history of the uniform.
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