Dial a Prayer (2015)
Cynical movie plays to the atheists
22 June 2016
This is a movie with an obviously cynical view of prayer from the outset. The church show. In occasional take-backs appears to be Catholic, but the towns people who went to it do not. All of the "Christian" characters are played as if they were paste board mock-up of real people. All of the "Christian" characters show their ignorance at everything from relationships to Biblical facts, and lack genuineness in their prayer life and home life.

The only person presented with genuineness is the the faithless and miserable Cora, in search of truth and riddled with guilt. But her language, sexual behaviour, drinking and drug taking reinforces that this film is aimed at a general audience in a cynical time, to the exclusion of a Christian audience. It presents a clichéd atheistic view of poor, misguided believers.

The pace of the movie is very slow. Half way through my wife said that if it was any slower we should just turn it off. The only reason we watched it through was because we paid for the viewing. Generally an unsatisfying waste of money.
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