Few viewers watching this may realize . . .
28 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . that A MAN BETRAYED actually refers to Marion Mitchell Morrison's Dear Old Dad, cruelly dumped by Ma Morrison as he lay dying in an age when the Scandal of a "Broken Home" usually marked a boy for Life. The future "John Wayne" was so traumatized that he insisted that his former school chums begin calling him "Duke," after the mutt of a family he no longer wished to call his own. When he was old enough, Fido embarked on a film career in roles consistently unmasking the mercenary Black Hearts of the Greedheads, such as those whom did in his Pa. Then, at the apex of his career as the Socialist Robin Hood investigative cowboy Stony Brooke (eight wonderful flicks), Dogman fell into the Evil Clutches of American Fascist Propagandist Director John Ford. With A MAN BETRAYED, filmed after a few months under Ford's Bad Influence, Rex flip-flops his screen personae 180 degrees, marrying into the Fat Cat Family that has just slaughtered his Best Friend Johnny (as Rin Tin Tin himself sold out to the Rich People Dark Side that had swallowed "Oh, My Papa" whole in Real Life not so long before).
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