Submission (2016)
Damn good show
20 July 2016
This is basic daily life for my wife and I, to some extent. It's nice to see a good representation of what could be done if it's something that you are into. The show did have a few things in it that we do not do, and that's our preference. Reminds me of Fifty shades, but without the bad taste in your mouth. This was done tasteful, less abusive way too. I wouldn't call it porn, but some good TV erotica. If more came out, I'd watch everyone of them. Be a sad day if it got canceled like all the other good shows.. I could see quite a few more things being done in the future. The shows first seasons ends with a huge cliff hanger, as usual. I really would like to know what happens next dang it!

'Kitten and her Master.
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