A Fantastic Suspense Filled Movie
13 August 2016
I remember seeing this movie when it first came out in theaters in 2002. Back then it was so fresh, and so good--it was a unique story that kept you on the edge of your seat. Indeed, in 2002 I probably would have given this movie 10/10 stars.

That said, watching this movie on Blu Ray recently, I felt like it's still a great film--but one that loses a bit of its charm on a successive viewing. This movie is full of suspense and cliffhanger scenes that make you wonder what's coming next. But it's also a story that once you've seen it once, you more or less know what's going to happen, and so the thrill factor deteriorates significantly, thus making the movie not as fun to watch time and again.

Another thing that the movie has going against it is the picture quality that the movie is filmed in. The movie has a clarity that at many times makes it look more like the set of a sitcom than a spy movie. This is especially true for indoor scenes--it may very well have been exceptionally good lighting rather than the type of film itself that was used. Whatever the case, the movie at times looks too polished, and too crisp.

Still, overall this is a fantastic movie. Matt Damon plays an amnesiac who slowly but surely uncovers bits and pieces about who he actually is. That knowledge is more obvious more quickly to the audience than it is to Damon's character--but throughout the film we learn more and more about the fascinating back story of this man without a memory, and the story is engaging and full of thrills.

All that said, I'm giving this movie 8/10 stars. It's a great movie, but one that there are a few flaws to nitpick.
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