Review of The Wave

The Wave (2015)
Left me crestfallen
28 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts well. Nothing that hasn't been done before, but pretty well done for all that.

It then slips into the worst of disaster movie clichés (also applies to horror films) as the characters start behaving in increasingly idiotic ways.

A full two minutes after the sirens have gone off and the fire alarm is set off in the hotel, all of the guests are still holed up in their rooms. One of them sticks their head out of their room to ask, "Is this a drill?" Seriously? What sort of cretin would think a hotel has a fire alarm drill at 2 in the morning with all the town's sirens going off.

Then there's the clueless geologists. Only the protagonist seems to have a passing knowledge of what all the data means, despite red lights going off everywhere. Each time the readings suggest there might be something wrong the chief geologist dismisses it as probably an error with the sensors. I mean what's the point of having the equipment if you're not going to believe what it's telling you.

Even when the whole mountain collapses, the fantastically idiotic woman in the early warning centre doesn't think to raise the alarm. When she's finally told to sound the sirens, she stares at the red button for long seconds, get on with it you stupid cow.

Back in the town, the hotel's guests are now milling about in the lobby, the bus driver for some unfathomable reason doesn't want to drive them up the hill. Anyway, they all die, which is fine because they were too silly.

The hero's wife then needlessly kills a man who was needlessly freaking out at an extremely unhelpful time.

When the hero finally turns up to save his wife and son, the teenage doofus decides to stop swimming while underwater because he's short of breath, rather than kicking harder for the surface. So the hero gives him the kiss of life underwater and the son continues, while the hero now decides to give up, despite only having 10 feet further to go.

Simply abysmal, but I quite enjoyed the film.
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