While the plot is a bit weird, it's an enjoyable WWII spy yarn...
10 September 2016
When the film begins, a lady is having top secret plans drawn onto her back using invisible ink. She is NOT tattooed despite what the summary says...trust me on this! The plan is to have this lady travel to neutral Lisbon in order to sell it to the highest bidder-- be it the Allies or the Nazis! As a cover, the plan is to have this evil woman pretend to be Sidney Royce, a news correspondent. To do this, they arrange to have the real Ms. Royce waylaid. However, this part of the plan is messed up when their agent is captured by American customs officials...and the real Royce (Paulette Goddard) ends up in Lisbon BEFORE the fake one arrives. Immediately, she is shocked--she's given a suite in the hotel and it's paid for AND soon agents approach her and start making seemingly unseemly remakes to her--telling her to take off her clothes and show them her back!! She thinks the British and Nazi officials are just dirty old men-- not realizing that they think she has these plans on her back! There's much, much more to the story and a bit of a romance with a handsome correspondent (Ray Milland). How will all this craziness end? See the film.

This movie is an interesting and enjoyable blend of comedy, suspense and romance. Unusual to say the least and the plot does work despite the crazy story idea about invisible ink on a woman's back! Well worth seeing. Excellent acting and just fun to watch.
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