Effective Silent Thriller
5 October 2016
Seven Keys to Baldpate (1917)

*** (out of 4)

George Washington Magee (George M. Cohan) has another hit book on his hands but the critics aren't as kind as they feel he's wasting his talents by writing for the lowest forms of people. Magee makes a bet with his friend that he can write a great novel in a twenty- four hour period and agrees to stay at the isolated Baldpate Hotel where soon murder occurs.

SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE was a smash on Broadway so it was only natural that Cohan would take his talents to the movie screen. This adaptation of his play is certainly a very entertaining movie and it remains worth watching today because of you getting a chance to see Cohan in action. Most people think of James Cagney and YANKEE DOODLE DANDY when they think of Cohan today but he's a chance to see the real man in action.

The film is actually very well-made and especially when you consider when it was made. The cinematography is extremely good and I'd argue that the performances were as well. The story itself gets lost on you a time or two but this probably wasn't a problem back when the film was made as I'm sure most people were already familiar with it. As far as Cohan goes, I thought he gave a strong performance here and it's really too bad he didn't do more movies.
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