Feels like an extended episode of Dragnet
9 October 2016
"The motion picture you are about to see was conceived in June 1970. Its goal is not to win commercial awards but to create an "awareness of a present danger", Zodiac is based on known facts. If some of the scenes, dialogue, and letters seem strange and unreal, remember - they happened. My life was threatened on October 28, 1970 by Zodiac. His victims have received no warnings. They were unsuspecting people like you ---

Paul Avery. Reporter, San Francisco Chronicle"

That opening text has apparently been omitted from some versions of this largely fictional account of the Zodiac killer's reign of terror in the late 1960s, filmed on no budget, seemingly no screenplay, and people who just simply happened to be standing nearby.

Some obviously forgot their lines and stuttered through the scene. Why were those scenes not re-filmed? Also, during an early scene in a diner, two guys (real customer, perhaps?) walking up to the front (glass) door as though they were about to walk in, but then stop, as though a crew member might have stopped them and said something like, "Don't go in there yet. We're not done filming." There is a black guy, who answers a ringing payphone, appeared to be a random passerby, unaware he was even being filmed.

The couple killed at the lake had a simultaneously creepy (what with the way the killer almost casually walked up to them, clad in full executioner's clothes) and silly (because of its amateurishness) feel. Probably the film's most memorable scene.

May be worth checking out, for unintentional laughs, and for a look at the first(?) film about the Zodiac, just don't expect it to be fact- based.
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