Curse of the Blair Witch (1999 TV Movie)
A faux documentary that nicely sets up 'The Blair Witch Project'
12 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This faux documentary, originally shown in the run-up to the release of 'The Blair Witch Project' and helped create the belief that that film was in fact real. It tells us how the three student filmmakers who feature in that film had gone to Burkittsville, Maryland, to investigate the legend of the Blair Witch then disappear in the woods… never to be seen again, and how their recordings were discovered a year later. This also goes into the legend and goes into some detail when discussing various events linked to the Blair Witch. Various 'experts' are interviewed and give their views; some appear sceptical others seem to believe the commonly held details of the story.

Unfortunately I watched this after watching the film; I think it would have added to the sense of dread if I'd seen this first as the various details mentioned in the film are explained in detail here. These details are discussed in such a matter of fact way that people could be expected to believe much of it is real or at the very least that there must be a real Blair Witch legend that inspired the film… there isn't. There is also a believable use of re-enactments; historical evidence and even 'archive footage' of a convicted killer who was linked to the legend. I watched this immediately after watching the film and really enjoyed the way it the way it gave us details of the legend. Overall I thought this was an impressive companion piece to the film; it is well worth watching even if you don't usually bother watching DVD extras.
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