A decent man who is HIV positive
14 October 2016
Who's Gonna Love Me Now? (2016) is an Israeli/English documentary, directed by Barak Heymann and Tomer Heymann. The film follows Saar, an Israeli man who now lives in London. He's HIV positive, but medication keeps him in overall good health.

Saar's biggest visible problem is his interaction with his family. His father isn't reconciled to the fact that his son is gay, and the rest of the family accept that he's gay, but they can't reconcile the fact that he "wasn't more careful," which allowed him to be infected with HIV.

When Saar's in London, he lives a quiet and peaceful life. His great pleasure comes from being a member of the London Gay Men's Chorus. When he's in Israeli, his life isn't quiet and peaceful. There are endless discussions about his HIV status, and whether or not it's safe for his nephews and nieces to be near him.

I had the sense that the documentary was very real. People didn't appear to be playing to the camera. The conversations, although very sad, appeared to be genuine. Still, HIV isn't a happy topic, and the movie isn't a happy movie.

I think the film is worth seeing. It's not great, but it's good enough to find and watch. We saw the movie at the excellent Little Theatre, as part of ImageOut, the wonderful Rochester LGBT Film Festival. It was one of 22 films at the festival that had their New York State premiere, or their East Coast premiere, at ImageOut.
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