The Wonderful World of Disney: Life-Size (2000)
Season 3, Episode 8
Kind of awkward
19 October 2016
This is still way ahead of Carrot Top or the animated Titanic film, but this still isn't quite good. It features a girl who tries to bring her mother back to life, but instead brings her doll to life. Yeah, it's kind of better and worse than it sounds. In the first thirty minutes, I really was enjoying some of it. As it went on, it did get weaker. I guess it's just because it's weird that this film about a doll coming to life has all this talk about death and moving on. I mean, I know the intentions are good but it was just so weird how they set it up. I guess I could compare it to something like "The Odd Life Of Timothy Green". It's a movie that tries to be sincere but doesn't really know how to be serious with its silly premise.

I think the movie could have worked a lot more if it had more jokes. I mean, it should have been more light hearted. I do admit that the acting isn't bad. Lindsay Lohan is a fairly good actress and she actually does act pretty realistically to this situation. I remember back when I read Disney Adventures comics and how they always promoted Disney Channel original movies. It's hard to say whether they're at least better than their direct-to-video sequels, but they might be slightly. At least they don't follow up a perfectly good movie. This is nostalgic in a weird way. They have in fact made better movies like this, so I say you can skip it. But hey, Tyra Banks isn't that bad of an actress! It's better than "High School Musical", but not by much. **
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