Aftermath (2016)
May be one of the worse Sci Fi shows ever written.
23 October 2016
I am a big fan of post apocalyptic dystopias, which is what this show is trying to be. I forced myself through three episodes hoping it would get better but it kept getting worse.

The characters are written so utterly stupid that I am incapable of suspending disbelief. No human can be this stupid and still function independently.

The writers of this show need to go back to their respective schools and demand refunds for wasting their time and teaching them nothing.

The acting is a bit wooden, but the writing is so exceptionally horrible that I assume this is just a reaction to the horrific scripting.

This is exactly the kind of show I would love to see. I would rather have my eyes gouged out by a hot poker than watch this show.

Please for the love of God, cancel this turdburger now to make room for something better. Like counting the dimples on a golf ball.
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