Goldwyn Follies
26 October 2016
I saw this today in a full auditorium at the Regent Street Cinema in London.Although I have this on tape I decided that not having seen this for 30 years it would be good to see this on a cinema screen in a 35mm print.The first reaction is what a beautiful Technicolour film this is.There seems to be a significant use of blue in the decor and clothes.Alas that is the only good thing to report.The film is a mess.Whilst the musical numbers are pleasant singing them continually becomes monotonous.Whilst I can take a bit of The Ritz Brothers this was far too much.Kenny Baker was insipid.Adolf Menjou plays a role that he must have done a dozen times.The opera and ballet sequences left me cold.I am not surprised that this was a turkey at the box office.
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