One of My Wives Is Missing (1976 TV Movie)
Familiar...very familiar.
29 October 2016
Daniel Corban (James Franciscus) is worried. His wife has disappeared and he's worried something happened to her. A very quirky police inspector (Jack Klugman) is assisting him. However, after a few days something strange happens...some priest appears and is bringing Daniel's 'wife' with him. But the lady who SAYS she is Elizabeth Corban (Elizabeth Ashley) isn't...or at least Daniel insists she isn't. She then explains to the police that Daniel has been under doctor's care and he isn't himself! Who's telling the truth and why?!?!

This is a very, very familiar theme. Not only is it one of about a dozen movie remakes of the play, "Piège pour un homme seul", but there are many other films that have very similar plots...such as another made for ABC TV movie, "You'll Never See Me Again" (1973). This familiarity of plots make it a less than original picture! But is it, despite this, any good? Well, yes and no. If you turn off your brain completely and don't question what you're seeing, you'll likely enjoy the film. But, so much in the film seems absurd and REALLY have to suspend disbelief a lot! I could list the many situations, but simply lost track! Again and again and again, there were ridiculous twists and turns and many to the point of being ludicrous. It's so contrived and so bad, in fact, that I would believe it if someone told me a high school student wrote the screenplay!!

And, by the way, at the very end someone is shot, at point blank range, with a gun with blanks. This WOULD severely injure or even kill the recipient....yet they were just fine! Sloppy....along with the rest of the film.
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