"Do you see what I see?" .. "I'm trying to hope not."
30 October 2016
Patchy Bob Hope "zombie comedy" has him likably paired again with Paulette Goddard from "The Cat and the Canary" the previous year. He's a radio personality who thinks he's shot and killed a gangster's henchman, she has just inherited an allegedly-haunted mansion in Cuba; together, with assistance from Hope's valet, Willie Best, they figure out why nefarious types (Anthony Quinn among them) are trying to keep Goddard away from the spooky property. Lots of fast talk and funny performances offset by some groaning one-liners and now-gruesome racial stereotyping and humor (although Best is allowed to keep his dignity, as well as some of the best retorts). Production is elaborate and handsome, but once the action moves to Black Island--just where the picture should be reaching its peak--interest in the plot starts to fade. ** from ****
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