The Prodigal (1931)
Unremarkable early talkie notable for Tibbett only.
6 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is an odd film that goes nowhere after taking a small time setting itself up. For an hour and sixteen minutes we wonder whether she really will leave her husband and marry her brother in law. The denouement is abrupt and disappointing. No final clinch. Just a promise.

Ralston and Tibbett are at ease with each other and play charmingly together. They make a good team. It's a shame Tibbett made only six films, one of them extant only in small chunks (ROGUE SONG, for which he was nominated for an Oscar - luckily the entire soundtrack exists). This then is THE PRODIGAL's one reason for existence, the presence of Tibbett.

Scenes between he and his mother early in the film are dreadfully acted by both he and Emma Dunn. For the rest of the film though he is charming and a natural actor. Ralston shows great poise and promise. Stealing the film however is Roland Young as Tibbett's tramp friend, Doc. Had there been a Supporting Actor Oscar category then, he would have deserved a nomination.

The scenes with Stepin Fetchit and the Chitlins barbecue number amongst the plantation workers are embarrassingly bad. Hard to believe this sort of stereotypical racism was tolerated amongst the film actors of color. Songs include Without A Song, Rest By The River Side, and Home Sweet Home.

Worth seeing only for fans of Tibbett, Ralston and Young.
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