The Ballad of Andy Crocker (1969 TV Movie)
I just couldn't get past the awful music!
9 November 2016
irritating music at beginning and throughout film finds fiancé is married, business gone and friends hard to find

Lee Major is Andy Crocker--a guy who is coming home from the Vietnam War with all sorts of plans...plans that turn to crap! First, he sees that the public is NOT happy to see him and there is a lot of anger towards Vietnam vets. Second, his fiancée married someone else...without telling him. Third, his business is in ruins! Fourth, Andy really does a lot to alienate himself from his family. Obviously making his transition to civilian life is going to be rough!

I rarely say this but the music from this movie is so irritating and painful to listen to that I had to fast-forward through these hellish montage sequences. They were a sort of folk/pop tunes that sounded very whiny and made my brain scream for relief! Yes, they were that bad!! It's a shame as it really had a major impact on the film.

So is the rest of this any good? Well, I appreciate how the film did talk about the mistreatment of returning vets and even went so far as to have one character talk about how she thought the US was going to lose the war!! This is pretty radical stuff considering this was the middle of the war back in 1969. Interesting but many of the features made a few years later were 1000 times better, such as "Coming Home" and "The Deer Hunter".

By the way, if you DO watch...look at Andy's friend from Vietnam...that's Marvin Gaye...yes, THAT Marvin Gaye!!
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