Was it worth it?
17 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing an early episode of "Ed, Edd 'N Eddy" and thinking it was just dumb. I saw about two or three later episodes and admitted that it wasn't bad for me. It just wasn't my thing. I kept hearing about this movie on TVTropes. They even included it in their drinking game where someone mentioned we should take a sip every time we see it mentioned. I did see it and it was about as wonderful as I thought it was. This movie was so good I would recommend it to people who aren't fans of the show. In fact, from what I heard this movie was actually BETTER than the show. I mean, it was certainly better than the couple of episodes I did see.

I thought maybe it would be boring until the finale everyone talks about, but it certainly wasn't. I thought maybe the whole thing would be told in a flashback, but we never do find out the implications of the scheme that made everybody angrier than they already have been. Maybe it's just as well. I know enough about the show to understand the basic concept and I know most of the characters' names and everything. I mean, it was advertised on Cartoon Network all the time which I always watched. Does this mean I'm going to go back and watch the show? Hmmm, maybe. I'm just as satisfied telling people about this great movie.

What's so wonderful is that we get to see a lot of time devoted to each of the individual characters. It's great to just see how they exist in their own world and of course how they affect all each other in the end. This movie had tons of great slapstick. There were so many great gags going on all the time. Well, they actually make fun of the actual use of slapstick. Eddy explicitly mentions it by name. I admit some of the animation could be better and the close ups can be annoying. It's still great all the way through chock full of adventure that the show never had.

There's even a setup for a sequel at the very end! It features Jonny possibly becoming a new villain in the series, but then he's told the movie's over. That was a fantastic way to end the series and I couldn't have thought of a better one. I really do think this did a better job than "Gravity Falls". It resolved more story and hey, Eddy even got a kiss from Nazz! If only Dipper had a better love life. Yep, that's my avatar! I recognized the voice of one of the Kanker sisters. Having not watched most of the show, I knew it sounded familiar. I then realized it was someone from "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic". Then I finally realized it was Trixie's voice! Great to see how this voice actress started out.

There's a really popular theory going around that Ed, Edd 'N Eddy takes place in Purgatory. That's why adults never appeared or something. Well, this movie actually does feature adults for the first (and only) time in the whole series. We see the lower parts of their bodies when Johnny is on the bus. So has this theory been disproven? If not, then I love the idea that the Edds and the other kids at the Cul-De-Sac have finally ascended to Heaven, having learned their lesson of unity after all this time.

I just wish I could have seen them with the actual Jawbreakers in their mouths! Well, it's said they do get them at least. It wasn't a distant finale, but it still answered every question we wanted answered. Maybe it's just because Donald Trump became President that I feel like we're in a new age. At least we have something as good as this to look back on. A pity nearly all animated movies are CGI as I really do suspect this would do well in theaters. I especially love the first two minutes, where it's nothing but silence and no music while the sign is brought up. It perfectly sets up the movie. So as Edd himself says, it took them 130 episodes to finally get what they wanted.

It was worth it. ****
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