Review of Denial

Denial (II) (2016)
Topical but Rachel Weisz is wrong for the role
21 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much denying of atrocities that this is an interesting subject to see on screen from the Middle East to Nanjing. In this well made movie a British holocaust denier David Irving sued an American Jewish Historian Deborah Lipstadt for calling him that.

The best parts of this movie are the trip to Auschwitz to investigate and the trial in London.

The worst parts of this movie are the times when Deborah acts stubborn and uncooperative with her legal team. Even though she apologizes it makes her seem unsympathetic. Also the big team against one loon makes the battle seem a foregone conclusion. The climax isn't exciting in the sense that the outcome was so certain, what court would rule for a holocaust denier? It seems a bit of an anti climax.

The acting is good. Rachel Weisz isn't the best for this role. Her accent and manner just don't ring American. There could have been so many more convincing actresses to play the role. Tom Wilkison is good as Deborah's barrister. So is Tim Spall who plays David Irving with a hateful look on his face.

Worth a watch
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