Pretty Awful All Around
26 November 2016
Sin You Sinners (1963)

1/2 (out of 4)

The rather plot-less plot goes something like this: An aging stripper (June Colbourne) goes on a vacation where she's given a jewelry piece that she soon finds out will put a trance on men. The men will immediately fall for her beauty and be willing to do anything she wants.

SIN YOU SINNERS is the earliest surviving film from cult director Joseph W. Sarno who was hired when the original director was either fired or walked off the production. No matter what happened you can't blame the man because I'm not sure too many people would have wanted to have their name on this thing. This is an extremely bad and at times embarrassing picture that appears to have been made by people not wanting to make a movie and not knowing how to make one.

Just about everything with this picture is awful and that includes the performances. The cast members don't appear to care about anything and that includes their acting. Colbourne is way too old for the role and she also appears to not be wanting in the film. There's not a single scene where it seems like she's interested in anything going on. It also doesn't help that she's just not right for the role. She's not the most attractive person in the world so having her play the stripper and one that men desire just wasn't that believable.

The film also suffers from awful cinematography, horrid dialogue and just about anything else that you could think of was pretty bad. SIN YOU SINNERS is a nice exploitation title but there's just nothing entertaining to it.
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