Review of Armstrong

Armstrong (1998)
Armstrong.....and you're not!!
27 November 2016
Well, seeing as there is no mind boggling plot involved with this movie and other reviewers have given the full story away, together with the fact that they have said all I would say.......there isn't much left for me to put in writing. The film itself is quite an entertaining 95 minutes, but could have been so much better had a lot of the acting not been so wooden. Wooden acting from the lead (Frank Zagarino) and overacting from the villain (Joe Lara) are major problems. The script is pretty lame, the action scenes slow and contrived. Excellent character actor Charles Napier couldn't even save the day.

I have no idea why it was certificated 18.......maybe the certification criteria has changed somewhat since 1998. There is not a lot of swearing and hardly any gore so all I can think is that the certificate is due to leading lady Kimberley Kates' elongated chase scene wearing (on top) just a wet see-through blouse clearly showing off her silicon.

All that being said, I still found it watchable. It's not the worst film I've seen.
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