Lesser Sonja Henie vehicle
30 November 2016
Sonja Henie is always watchable and a marvel at ice skating, but 'Everything Happens at Night' is one of her weaker films along with 'One in a Million' and 'It's a Pleasure'.

What there is of the ice skating is dazzling and full of grace, flawlessly performed by Henie, but there isn't enough of it. 'Everything Happens at Night' is saved mainly by the funny and charming performances of Robert Cummings and particularly Ray Milland. The humour is sporadic, but is entertaining when it's there.

The production values are suitably elegant and beautifully captured by camera and the music complements very well indeed.

Henie however, despite dancing/skating flawlessly, shows limitations as an actress, a big problem for a role heavier in the drama department than the ice skating. Apart from some nice humour, the script is very limp, while the direction is stodgy and the story is as thin as ice, sometimes pedestrian and implausible.

Overall, watchable but a lesser film with Sonja Henie. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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