Review of Lovers Lane

Lovers Lane (2000)
Lover's lame
6 December 2016
Due to the success of I Know What You Did Last Supper, my copy of Lover's Lane is actually called I Have Knowledge of a Certain Criminal Incident That You Were Implicated In At Some Point Last Year, and seems to be some sort of take on the old urban myth of the escaped lunatic with the hook creeping out people getting it on at some lane or other. It's also a post-Scream film, so expect lots of smart arse teenagers and a twist that comes out of nowhere if you haven't seen Scream or just about any Gialli from the seventies.

After a brief prologue where two folks (one the sheriff's wife, the other a teacher's husband) are killed in Lover's Avenue, we fast forward to the present (1999) and get to meet a bunch of characters we have seen so often you'll know them all, but I'll describe them anyway. You've got the jock and his bitchy popular girlfriend, the geeky girl who studies, the new girl who's a cheerleader, the fat jokey one who can't get a date, and some others (I guess this film is too early to add a lesbian goth chick to the proceedings).

From what I could gather the bitchy chick gets dumped and starts hitting on the jock's mate while trying to set up some prank at Lover's Lane where everyone ends up. Plus the guy who was imprisoned for the previous murders escapes and there's a few red herrings and then everyone starts getting wasted by a hook killer type.

I'd guess you'd rate a slasher by how creepy it is (like the original Black Christmas), how gory it is (like Pieces) or how off the wall hilariously bad it is (also Pieces, and Don't Open Till Christmas, and Don't Go Into the Woods Alone) or how booby it is (Fatal Games, Slumber Party Massacre, Pieces). Lover's Lane for the most part seems to pull away when it gets to the killings, but I suppose it's fast paced enough not to become too boring, and there's a few twists to keep you awake a bit longer than usual.

Do you think that filmmakers will notice that the youth of today no longer care for slasher films as they are too busy stalking each other on Facebook or watching TV box sets and are therefore probably not the target audience (or for that matter, the main victims in a slasher film)? It'd be interesting for a change that the victims be fat middle aged people moaning about new technology.
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