Review of 31

31 (2016)
let's not pretend it goes beyond pretensions
11 January 2017
having recently started rereading EC comics, Eerie, and Creepy, I can't help feeling this is the equivalent of taking an amalgamation of the better black and white carnival stories, doing them in color on glossy*

paper, and flogging them off to today's masses who think when you call something a graphic novel it is literature, and that you should have a suitably erudite opinion with lots of run on sentences and no editing. Nope, this is just a damn fine stroke book. Minimum review is ten lines of text,

*the spellcheck does not recognize the proper tense of calendar in terms of finishing paper, sentence breaks made to emphasize a phrase are condensed back to a no format base, and yet it is acceptable to violate grammar tense and agreement like holes on a sex doll. How did Doom Head keep an unprotected cigar whole in his back pocket?
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