A low-budget western that did its job.
29 January 2017
At the opening credits the viewer knew that this was going to be a low-budget film as the people appearing in flick came onto the screen in large case letters as if written on a neighbors typewriter. But even with the minimal action and the hefty dialog, this movie did provide a small amount of entertainment. So what if the acting was rough and the film appeared to be aimed at the adolescent male, the story was interesting and the twist at the end made for a compelling tale.

The story began with a prison break where a stripped-clothed male has escaped. The male, which we will learn was part of the Checker Gang, then kills a rancher in order to get the rancher's gun and horse. Now the brother of the rancher, Luke Random, vows to track down the convict and take his revenge.

Along the way Luke runs in to a man, Stacy Doggett, that is also looking for the Checker Gang, an Indian female that has been rejected from her tribe and an older traveling elixir man that has a daughter. These characters will ride together into situation that contain danger and death. All trying, in their own way, of getting at least one of the Checker Gang members.

As with this drive-in feature type movie of this generation, there are cowboys, Indians, villains and pretty girls with all having a share of some action. From a spur fight to a chick being tied up supposedly naked to a post, the teenage target group was pleased. But for the rest of us, it was a cheaply made movie that did its best to succeeded. And for the ending alone, they got all from the money spent.

NOTE- This movie was supposedly film in Pathecolor (unclear of the process of that system). The film I saw was in black and white plus was somewhat rough with many splices.
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