Atlantis Rising (2017 TV Movie)
Just A Rehash...
3 February 2017
Other then bringing on John Cameron for a cameo almost all the information is a repeat or rehash of the most probable theories on the fall of ATLANTIS. The most plausible of them being that the Minoan Island Trading Empire on THERA, now SANTORINI was built upon a dormant Volcano. This erupted with a massive explosion and venting of the caldera which subsequently collapsed. Thus creating a massive Tsunami which inundated the eastern Mediterranean. This occurred sometime during the 16th Centuries B.C.E. The eruption took some time to develop its full fury, so the Island appears to have been evacuated prior to the major eruption. The eruption on the Volcanic Explosivity Index was at the level Six (6), possibly as high as a Seven (7).

There are several other candidates, starting with MALTA, then keep moving West. Even beyond the PILLARS OF HERCULES (Straits Of Gibraltar). To take that theory seriously you would have to believe that ATLANTIS was best represented by George Pal's ATLANTIS; The Lost Continent (1961). A enjoyable fantasy film, but hardly science. If you have seen the other documentaries on ATLANTIS you might want to skip this one. If not watch it. Those who have, watch the movie instead. Its hokey, but fun.
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